Querida Flaccista,
You're invited to our 3rd Annual Festival of Latin American Contemporary Choreographers with all new programing at Dance Mission Theater this December 9,10 & 11. ...and...before you do that, ¡FLACC! is hosting a benefit fiesta! November 13, 7-9 in Berkeley's historic Finnish Hall. Yo Quiero Lo Que Tu Tienes/ I Want What You Have
Ticket donations are $12-$45 sliding scale. RSVP on FACEBOOK for Yo Quiero Lo Que Tu Tienes The Piñata Dance Collective Proudly Presents The 3rd Annual Festival of Latin American Contemporary Choreographers “¡FLACC! 2016” Dec. 9th, 10th/8pm and Dec. 11th/4pm ¡FLACC! 2016 consists of contemporary Chicano, Latino and Indigenous choreographers from the U.S. and Latin America whose cutting-edge work within their diverse communities represents the depth, innovation and cultural impact of ¡FLACC! dance-makers. Themes such as citizenship, international adoption, indigenous treaty rights, Queer/Trans intersectionality, and re-interpreted Mexican traditions will be uniquely captured within the corporeal surrealism of contemporary dance theater. This growing and celebrated festival will feature 16 choreographers of the Latino diaspora, presented in three varied programs. On each night, ¡FLACC! will celebrate the intersections of gender, sexuality, nationality and indigeneity among the artists:
Among the 16 dance artists invited to participate in the festival are highly acclaimed visiting companies: Momentum Dance, from Guatemala, Rulan Tangen’s Dancing Earth from New Mexico, and Primera Generación Dance from the greater Los Angeles area. Primera is collaborating with choreographer, Joey Navarrete, and offering a different piece for each evening. Featured choreographers from the San Francisco Bay Area include Detour Dance, Victor Talledos, Sebastian Hernandez, Javier Stell-Frésquez, Davalos Dance Company, Diana Lara, Karla Quintero, Juliana Mendonca, Gabriel Mata, Zoё Klein, Adrian Arias and Cuicacalli Dance Company. We hope you'll stay for refreshments and a 20 minute panel discussion with the artists after each show. |
FLACC! encourages purchasing Discount Festival Passes to enjoy ALL 3 evenings of the choreographer’s unique insights and innovations.
Early-bird tickets are priced at $15 before November 18th, after which general admission is $20 online and $25 at the door. Take advantage of a discounted 3-day festival pass for only $35, or the 2-day festival pass for $25! Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to get updates! RSVP to FLACC 2016 on Facebook Inquiries: [email protected]
More news and events.....
UC Berkeley’s Dance Studies Working Group, Performance in the Americas working group, and Center for Latin American Studies in collaboration with ¡FLACC 2016, are co-sponsoring a community panel discussion to examine the theme of "contemporary” dance genres in Latin America. We will feature three choreographers: Liliana Castillo Galluser from Guatemala; San Francisco-based artist Sebastian Hernandez; and Diana Lara from Honduras/Mexico/SF Bay Area. See fb event page
Performance opportunity with Piñata Dance Collective...
click on image below if you are interested in joining Liz Duran Boubion's All-Levels Modern and Composition class. |
March 2020
CategoriesLiz DUran BoubionArtistic Director |