Due to COVID-19 FLACC's call for Latinx Choreographers has been extended to April 30th, 5pm
Under the pressures of the current global pandemic, the deadline for the Festival of Latin American Contemporary Choreographers will be adjusted to April 30, 2020 at 5pm PST. We understand that Wi-Fi is needed to submit an application and many artist depend on public space resources. If any other hinderances relating to the Corona Virus stand in your way of applying for FLACC 2020: El Grito, please contact [email protected].
Thank you all for your continued strength and creativity during this uncertain time for humanity. See resources from NALAC below.
Thank you all for your continued strength and creativity during this uncertain time for humanity. See resources from NALAC below.
COVID-19 represents a serious public health emergency in communities around the world. FLACC stands with The National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures (NALAC) advocating for a collective response to this moment that centers compassion, understanding and patience.
As this situation continues to impact artists and cultural workers in our field, our work continues.
Below are key resources shared with us from the National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures (NALAC) that are relevant to both independent artists and cultural workers as well as arts organizations and collectives. You will find emergency funding opportunities, information for freelance workers, information for nonprofit organizations, statements from arts service organizations, surveys & needs assessments, and self-care tips.
View the resource directory.
As this situation continues to impact artists and cultural workers in our field, our work continues.
Below are key resources shared with us from the National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures (NALAC) that are relevant to both independent artists and cultural workers as well as arts organizations and collectives. You will find emergency funding opportunities, information for freelance workers, information for nonprofit organizations, statements from arts service organizations, surveys & needs assessments, and self-care tips.
View the resource directory.
[Español Abajo]
LOCATION: Dance Mission Theater, San Francisco, California, USA AND Pop-Up Public Performance Spaces in San Francisco, CA. USA.
DATES: Dance Mission Theater: Nov. 13-15 / Public Spaces: Oct. 2-Nov. 6
Since 2014, FLACC has provided a platform of visibility and inclusivity for over 50 resistant, queer, indigenous, and hybrid choreographers of the Latinx diaspora who cross cultural, physical, and aesthetic borders of tradition to abstraction. This year, our 7th annual Festival of Latin American Contemporary Choreographers will host 4 choreographers at Dance Mission Theater and 3 choreographers creating public art interventions in San Francisco.
The FLACC 2020 curatorial theme "El Grito" (The Scream) refers to an historically rooted demonstration that takes place every year on September 16th, marking Mexican Independence Day. El Grito originally took place in 1810, when Father Miguel Hidalgo urged the people to revolt against Spanish rule with a call and response speech that included crying out the names of revolutionaries that lead to their liberation. The call and response of El Grito (call the name... respond "¡VIVA!") is used all over Latin America as a way to bring the people together for social change.
During this precarious election year, FLACC is amplifying Chicanx/Latinx voices by bringing El Grito to the San Francisco Bay Area through the power of dance theater, performance interventions and public discourse from October to November 2020. FLACC artists are interpreting "the scream/call/cry" with a contemporary and emergent act of solidarity both in the proscenium stage at Dance Mission Theater and in public spaces throughout the Bay Area.
FLACC is seeking cutting edge contemporary Latinx dancers to think about El Grito in conceptual and innovative ways. Within the primary genre of contemporary dance theater, the scream can be visual, symbolic, musical, cacophonous, resounding, clamorous or silent.
Some ideas to consider:
What do you live for, cry or fight for? Who do you call out to? Víva qué? Víva quien? Víva por qué? Who has moved you toward liberation? What/who/how do we honor our sources of inspiration or survival? In what ways can you call or respond to your community with this piece? How does El Grito exist in your body?
FLACC looks forward to celebrating 7 years with you and acknowledging this pivotal moment for the Latina/x/o community inside and outside of the San Francisco Bay area.
¡¡¡VIVA FLACCistas!!!
1) Please complete the Online Form below
2) Please provide only one Video Link sample which includes one complete piece or work in progress from start to finish. Please also provide a time code with 3 minutes of uninterrupted footage that you want us to view within the piece. Include any passwords if link is in a private setting.
See website for more information: www.flaccdanza.org
or contact FLACC at [email protected]
LOCATION: Dance Mission Theater, San Francisco, California, USA AND Pop-Up Public Performance Spaces in San Francisco, CA. USA.
DATES: Dance Mission Theater: Nov. 13-15 / Public Spaces: Oct. 2-Nov. 6
Since 2014, FLACC has provided a platform of visibility and inclusivity for over 50 resistant, queer, indigenous, and hybrid choreographers of the Latinx diaspora who cross cultural, physical, and aesthetic borders of tradition to abstraction. This year, our 7th annual Festival of Latin American Contemporary Choreographers will host 4 choreographers at Dance Mission Theater and 3 choreographers creating public art interventions in San Francisco.
The FLACC 2020 curatorial theme "El Grito" (The Scream) refers to an historically rooted demonstration that takes place every year on September 16th, marking Mexican Independence Day. El Grito originally took place in 1810, when Father Miguel Hidalgo urged the people to revolt against Spanish rule with a call and response speech that included crying out the names of revolutionaries that lead to their liberation. The call and response of El Grito (call the name... respond "¡VIVA!") is used all over Latin America as a way to bring the people together for social change.
During this precarious election year, FLACC is amplifying Chicanx/Latinx voices by bringing El Grito to the San Francisco Bay Area through the power of dance theater, performance interventions and public discourse from October to November 2020. FLACC artists are interpreting "the scream/call/cry" with a contemporary and emergent act of solidarity both in the proscenium stage at Dance Mission Theater and in public spaces throughout the Bay Area.
FLACC is seeking cutting edge contemporary Latinx dancers to think about El Grito in conceptual and innovative ways. Within the primary genre of contemporary dance theater, the scream can be visual, symbolic, musical, cacophonous, resounding, clamorous or silent.
Some ideas to consider:
What do you live for, cry or fight for? Who do you call out to? Víva qué? Víva quien? Víva por qué? Who has moved you toward liberation? What/who/how do we honor our sources of inspiration or survival? In what ways can you call or respond to your community with this piece? How does El Grito exist in your body?
FLACC looks forward to celebrating 7 years with you and acknowledging this pivotal moment for the Latina/x/o community inside and outside of the San Francisco Bay area.
¡¡¡VIVA FLACCistas!!!
1) Please complete the Online Form below
2) Please provide only one Video Link sample which includes one complete piece or work in progress from start to finish. Please also provide a time code with 3 minutes of uninterrupted footage that you want us to view within the piece. Include any passwords if link is in a private setting.
See website for more information: www.flaccdanza.org
or contact FLACC at [email protected]
UBICACIÓN: Teatro de Dance Mission , San Francisco, California, USA Y "Pop-Up" Espectáculos Públicos en San Francisco, CA. USA.
FECHAS: Teatro de Dance Mission: Nov. 13-15 / Espacios Públicos: Oct. 2-Nov. 6
FECHA LíMITE PARA APLICAR: 30 de Abril, 2020
Desde 2014, FLACC ha proporcionado una plataforma de visibilidad e inclusión para más de 50 coreógrafos resistentes, queer, indígenas e híbridos de la diáspora Latinx que cruzan las fronteras culturales, físicas y estéticas de la tradición hacia la abstracción.
El tema curatorial de FLACC 2020 "El Grito" se refiere a una manifestación históricamente arraigada que tiene lugar cada año el 16 de Septiembre, con motivo del Día de la Independencia de México. El Grito tuvo lugar originalmente en 1810, cuando el Padre Miguel Hidalgo instó a la gente a rebelarse contra el dominio Español con un discurso de llamada y respuesta que incluía gritar los nombres de los revolucionarios que condujeron a su liberación. El llamado y la respuesta de El Grito (Decir el nombre ... responder "¡VIVA!") Se usa en toda América Latina como una forma de unir a las personas para el cambio social.
Durante este precario año electoral, FLACC amplifica las voces Chicanx/Latinx al traer a "El Grito!" al Área de la Bahía de San Francisco a través del poder del teatro de danza, las intervenciones y el discurso público de Octubre a Noviembre de 2020. Les artistas de FLACC están interpretando "El Grito/Llamada /Cry "con un acto contemporáneo y emergente de solidaridad tanto en el escenario del proscenio en el Teatro de Dance Mission como en espacios públicos en toda el Área de la Bahía.
FLACC está buscando bailarines Latinxs contemporáneos de vanguardia para pensar en El Grito de maneras innovadoras. Dentro del lenguaje del teatro de danza contemporánea, El Grito puede ser visual, simbólico, musical, silencioso, cacofónico, rotundo y clamoroso.
Algunas ideas a considerar:
¿Por qué vives, lloras o luchas? ¿A quién llamas? ¿Viva qué? Viva quien? ¿Viva por qué? ¿Quién te ha movido hacia la liberación? ¿Qué / quién / cómo honramos nuestras fuentes de inspiración o supervivencia? ¿De qué maneras puedes llamar o responder a tu comunidad con esta pieza? ¿Cómo existe El Grito en tu cuerpo?
Esperamos celebrar 7 años contigo y reconocer este momento crucial para la comunidad Latina/x dentro y fuera del Área de la Bahía de San Francisco.
¡¡¡VIVA FLACCistas !!!
1) Por favor complete la Planilla Electrónica abajo
2) Proporcione solo una muestra de enlace de video que incluya una pieza completa o trabajo en progreso de principio a fin. También proporcione un código de tiempo con 3 minutos de material ininterrumpido que desea que veamos dentro de la pieza. Incluya las contraseñas si el enlace está en una configuración privada.
Revise nuestro sitio web para más información: www.flaccdanza.org
Ó contacte FLACC a [email protected]
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